Washington DC

WASHINGTON (GaeaTimes.com)- In a rather unusual step by the Obama administration, former Time Magazine reporter Jay Carney is gearing up to replace Robert Gibbs and succeed him as the next Press Secretary of the White House.

WASHINGTON (GaeaTimes.com)- Mike Evans, the journalist who had earlier claimed that the Governor of Hawaii, Neil Abercrombie had admitted to not having found the birth certificate of American President Barack Obama in the files of the Hawaiian state, has turned an about face and declared that nothing of the sort had ever happened.

WASHINGTON DC (GaeaTimes.com)- The State of the Union which is to be addressed by the 44th President of the United States Barack Obama is likely to witness the absence of many Supreme Court judges.

WASHINGTON (GaeaTimes.com)- United States President Barack Obama and First lady Michelle Obama were host to a gala state dinner last night that was held in White House in honor of Chinese President Hu Jintao.

WASHINGTON (GaeaTimes.com)- Dick Cheney, the former Vice President of United States, who is again back to the public eye after his heart surgery appeared on NBC's "The Today Show" show on Tuesday.
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