Quran Burning By Florida Pastor Condemned By Sarah Palin

By Reema, Gaea News Network
Thursday, September 9, 2010

TALLAHASSEE (GaeaTimes.com)- As the date of Holy Quran burning plans of Florida Pastor Terry Jones is approaching near, every politician and lawmakers along with common people is trying his or her best to stop such an action from happening. The latest to condemn the plans of Quran burning in Florida on the 9th anniversary of 9/11 terrorists attack is former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. The GOP presidential candidate has said that the preplanned action of burning the Holy Islamic book is “antithetical to American ideals”.

While Florida pastor Terry Jones has declared and held that he would in no way back from his “Burn AQuran Day” plans on Saturday, many political parties and religious sects have condemned the act as insensible and unethical. Sarah Palin said in a statement that although there is no denying the fact that the American Constitution does not hold the burning of books as a publishable offense and allows its citizens to do so, the burning of the HolyQuran is something that is “insensitive and an unnecessary provocation”. She maintained that the burning ofQuran bears resemblance to the building of mosque near Ground Zero. She urged the pastor to reconsider the possible effects the HolyQuran burning will lead to.

According to Sarah Palin, the action of HolyQuran burning by the Florida pastor along with a group of his followers will lead to nothing else other than feeding the “fire of caustic rhetoric”. She added that the act will appear as nothing more than “mean-spirited religious intolerance”. Sarah Palin mentioned that burning of Quran goes against the teaching of Christianity that holds equality, justice and freedom as supreme value.


Betty Quero
September 9, 2010: 7:01 pm

Every country in this world including the US practice the burning of the US flag as protest, burning of images of our Presidents and so on. Why not burn the Quran? I do not think that two wrongs make a right but this is his Constitutional Right; “Freedom of Expression “. It is sad that a US Citizen is ridiculed whenever we stand for our rights and try to let others know what we think. Yet, illegal immigrants have rights that US Citizens do not!!! Illegal Immigrants burn the US Flag in our own soil. THAT IS EXTREMLY DISRESPECTFUL…This Great Country has shed allot of blood for its Citizens to be free. I am a Republican. I also back and admire Sara Palin. But in this case, we need back our citizens and respect others freedom of expression. People should go through due process to enter this country in order for the constitution to apply to them. If they enter the US Illegally they criminals braking the law and should be punished according to Immigration Laws established by this country including deportation. Every country in this world has it’s immigration laws and deports illegal immigrants; including Mexico, Ecuador, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala and so on. Ask Mexico why they deport illegal immigrants from Cuba and so on? We need to start standing up for our country and stop the world from stomping all over us and coming here to govern us. Official language other than English is that spoken by US Indians. We do not make other countries learn English to accommodate Americans visiting or living there. It is time we stand up for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; this great country and it Citizens. My family came to the US in the early 60’s legally from Cuba and I was born here. I also think that Cuban immigrants should have special exceptions, they should also go through due process and stop this wet foot - dry foot policy.

September 9, 2010: 7:54 am

Everyone is upset about the treatment of the Koran. Why don’t Muslims give our Bible the same respect. If you travel to Israel and want to carry your Bible across the Muslim controlled Temple Mount, you cannot. Someone in your group has to carry all your group’s Bibles down an alley and meet you on the other side of the mount. Bibles are not allowed on the Temple Mount. Where is the respect from Muslims?

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