S. Africa’s ruling party says special tribunal for journalists needed to ‘punish’ bad acts
By APTuesday, August 10, 2010
South Africa ruling party proposes media tribunal
JOHANNESBURG — The spokesman for South Africa’s ruling party says the country needs a special tribunal for journalists as many of them abuse press freedoms.
African National Congress spokesman Jackson Mthembu said Tuesday the party has found numerous instances of news stories that were intentionally damaging to subjects’ reputations and dignity. He says the current self-regulatory press code doesn’t allow for the punishment of journalists who commit such acts.
The government also wants to pass a legislation to stop journalists from publishing classified information.
The proposed laws have drawn sharp criticism from local and foreign media groups.
South Africa’s post-apartheid media landscape is considered among the most free and open in Africa.
Tags: Africa, Johannesburg, Political Organizations, Political Parties, South Africa, Southern Africa