NYS Unemployment: New York State Unemployment Insurance Rate Up

By Soumitra Mondal, Gaea News Network
Sunday, March 28, 2010

New York (GaeaTimes.com) The New York State unemployment is rising day by day. Millions of labors and workers were literally given a kick off from their job after the recession giant hit numerous companies. Several giant organizations filed for bankruptcy which in turn led to discontinuation of the task of their employees.

In the period of recession, unemployment rates increased in the whole world and New York State was not an exception. But still the unemployment rate in New York State is on the rise and the increase in unemployment rate is one of the most eminent unemployment rate increases in the United States of America.

According to the most current statistics, the New York State unemployment official rate is about 10.2% within the last month. The percentage is still higher than the US unemployment rate in general which is currently set at 9.7% in general.

If the unemployment rate among the youth is concerned, almost 21% of the youth are unemployed. This equates to almost one among every five young one being unemployed in the New York State, as per the unemployment rate statistics.

Almost every industry was affected in the recession period but the housing industry was most badly struck among them. This industry is the most lames area and it also has the highest unemployment rates, according to the reports.

The insurance and the benefits of the New York State unemployed benefits have been extended until April 4, 2010 and the benefits in the New York State unemployment insurance won’t stop as long as you continue claiming weekly benefits.

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