Jury of Rangel’s House peers to hold first meeting as charges in ethics case become public
By Larry Margasak, APThursday, July 29, 2010
Jury of Rangel’s peers to meet in ethics case
WASHINGTON — A jury of Rep. Charles Rangel’s congressional peers is ready to discuss charges of ethical misdeeds by the New York Democrat.
But political discussions outside the room will be far more significant for the 80-year-old congressional veteran.
Eight House lawmakers — four Democrats and four Republicans — who will determine the guilt or innocence of the former committee chairman will hold their first meeting Thursday.
But many Democrats hope the ethics trial will go away. That could only happen if Rangel negotiates a plea bargain, admitting to substantial violations, or resigns.
Filed under: Government
Tags: North America, Political Ethics, Political Issues, United States, Washington
Tags: North America, Political Ethics, Political Issues, United States, Washington