CAMDEN, N.J. - Marvin Tomlinson has lived in Tent City on and off since the homeless enclave was founded about four years ago in a patch of woods between railroad tracks and a highway off-ramp.
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. - The federal government announced Friday that it is relaxing some rules to make it easier for communities to spend funds on redeveloping abandoned and foreclosed properties.
DETROIT - The federal government awarded Michigan $223.9 million on Thursday to help tear down blighted buildings and revitalize neighborhoods in a dozen cities including Detroit, Grand Rapids and Flint.
FLINT, Mich. - As Flint tries to survive and thrive as a smaller city, the thousands of abandoned homes and vacant lots scattered throughout its neighborhoods are more than a reminder of its past as a manufacturing boomtown.

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama announced on Wednesday the government is spending almost $600 million for community health centers and for a push to transfer medical records to electronic formats.