
Conservative Cameron takes the reins in Britain
LONDON - Former rivals David Cameron and Nick Clegg hailed their new coalition government as the coming of a new era in British politics on Wednesday, glossing over policy differences but pledging to tackle the country's most pressing problem - the ballooning deficit.

LONDON - British Prime Minister Gordon Brown made a dramatic bid to keep his beleaguered Labour Party in power after it was punished in a national election, announcing Monday he will resign by September at the latest in hopes the third-place Liberal Democrats will join his party in a coalition government.

LONDON - Britain's Liberal Democrats mulled the possibility Saturday of joining the Conservative Party to form a coalition government as political leaders manuevered for power following an inconclusive national election.

LONDON - Prime Minister Gordon Brown and his Conservative challenger David Cameron each made their case Friday for a coalition with the party that finished third in Britain's elections, hoping to secure the balance of power following an inconclusive vote.

LONDON - Britain was saddled Friday with its first hung parliament since 1974 after a bitterly fought election stripped the Labour of its governing majority but left the Conservatives short of the numbers to take power on its own, forcing them to desperately hunt for allies.
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