
WEST HARTFORD, Conn. - Trying to defuse a crisis that could give the GOP a powerful opening, Democratic Senate candidate Richard Blumenthal said Tuesday that he "misspoke" in claiming more than once that he served in Vietnam, and he dismissed the furor as a matter of "a few misplaced words." At a news conference where he surrounded himself with veterans, the Connecticut attorney general and far-and-away front-runner to replace retiring Democrat Christopher Dodd said he meant to say he served "during" Vietnam instead of "in" Vietnam.
Primaries test incumbents' durability, tea party
WASHINGTON - Democrats Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania and Blanche Lincoln in Arkansas struggled uncertainly for nomination to new Senate terms Tuesday and tea party activists clashed with the Republican hierarchy in Kentucky in primaries testing anti-establishment anger in both political parties.
Primaries in 4 states, 1 House election
WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama is not on the ballot in Tuesday's primaries, nor is Sen.
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