Remarks by President Obama and Prime Minister Yingluck of Thailand Before Bilateral Meeting

Monday, November 21, 2011

Release Time: 

For Immediate Release

Grand Hyatt
Bali, Indonesia

11:14 A.M. WITA

PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Well, I just want to extend my congratulations to Prime Minister Yingluck for her leadership.  Obviously, she had an inspirational election.  She's know been dealing with an extraordinary tragedy — the flooding that’s been taking place in Thailand.  I called her and extended our condolences, but also our assurances that we would provide any assistance that we can in dealing with this natural disaster.

The United States and Thailand are two of the oldest of allies.  We have established a great friendship over the years.  We have a wide range of areas of common interest and cooperation. And I’m confident that under the Prime Minister’s leadership we will continue to build on that relationship for many years to come.

So we look forward to speaking with her on a whole range of bilateral and multilateral issues.  And, Madam Prime Minister, please extend our heartfelt condolences to those who have lost loved ones in the floods, and know that you have a strong friend in the United States.

PRIME MINISTER YINGLUCK:  Mr. President, on behalf of Thai government and Thai people, we are very appreciative for the condolence from the U.S. and all the support from the U.S. you give as heartfelt to Thailand.  And also, from our dialogue from Mr. President and visiting with Secretary Clinton to Thailand — that’s really impacted Thailand to have the better relationship between Thailand and U.S.

And thank you, again, and our congratulations for the success in APEC.  But for me, very regret that I missed this great opportunity.  Hopefully, I can go to U.S. some day.

PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Well, you definitely want to visit Hawaii whenever you get a chance.  (Laughter.)

Thank you so much.  Thank you, everybody.


11:16 A.M. WITA

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