Readout of the President’s Calls with Senator Patty Murray and Representative Jeb Hensarling
By USGOVFriday, November 11, 2011
Today, the President reached out separately by phone to Senator Murray and Representative Hensarling. With the Joint Select Committee’s deadline to report approaching, the President wanted to hear from the bipartisan leadership of the committee on the status of their discussions.
The President urged them to encourage the Committee to reach a deal. The President reminded them that he put forth a very detailed plan for deficit reduction to the Committee, and reiterated that any approach must be balanced, and will require tough choices by both sides, including looking at revenues and entitlements.
The President also made clear that he will not accept any measure that attempts to turn off part of the sequester. The sequester was agreed to by both parties to ensure there was a meaningful enforcement mechanism to force a result from the Committee. Congress must not shirk its responsibilities. The American people deserve to have their leaders come together and make the tough choices necessary to live within our means, just as American families do every day in these tough economic times. The President urged the leaders to get this done.
Tags: Office of the Press Secretary, Statements and Releases, The President, United States, Whitehouse