President Obama Announces More Key Administration Posts
By USGOVThursday, May 5, 2011
WASHINGTON – Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individuals to key Administration posts:
- Michael H. Corbin, Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, Department of State
- Jeffrey DeLaurentis, Alternate Representative of the United States for Special Political Affairs in the United Nations, with the rank of Ambassador
- Jeanine E. Jackson, Ambassador to the Republic of Malawi, Department of State
- William H. Moser, Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova, Department of State
President Obama said, “These individuals have demonstrated knowledge and dedication throughout their careers. I am grateful they have chosen to take on these important roles, and I look forward to working with them in the months and years to come.”
President Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individuals to key Administration posts:
Michael H. Corbin, Nominee for Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, Department of State
Michael H. Corbin, a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, currently serves as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs. Prior to this assignment, Mr. Corbin was Minister-Counselor for Political-Military Affairs at Embassy Baghdad from 2008 to 2009 and Charge d’Affaires in Damascus, Syria from 2006 to 2008. Since joining the Foreign Service in 1985, Mr. Corbin has held various positions overseas and in Washington, including: Minister Counselor for Economic and Political Affairs at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo (2003-2006), Deputy Director of the Office of Arabian Peninsula Affairs (2001-2003), Director of the Counter-Narcotics Section at the U.S. Embassy in Caracas, Venezuela (1997- 2001), Political-Military Affairs Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo (1994-1997) and at the U.S. Embassy in Kuwait (1987-1989). Prior to joining the Foreign Service, he served in the Peace Corps from 1982 to 1984 in Mauritania. Mr. Corbin received a B.A. from Swarthmore College.
Jeffrey DeLaurentis, Nominee for Alternate Representative of the United States for Special Political Affairs in the United Nations, with the rank of Ambassador
Jeffrey DeLaurentis, a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, currently serves as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs. Prior to this assignment, Mr. DeLaurentis served as Minister Counselor for Political Affairs and Security Council Coordinator at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations in New York. Since beginning his State Department career in 1991, Mr. DeLaurentis has served in a number of overseas posts including Political/Economic Section Chief at the U.S. Interests Section in Havana, Political Counselor at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations in Geneva, and Political Counselor at the U.S. Embassy in Bogota. In Washington, Mr. DeLaurentis served as Executive Assistant to the Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs, Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Director of Inter-American Affairs at the National Security Council, and as an International Relations Officer in the Bureau of International Organizations. Prior to entering the Foreign Service, Mr. DeLaurentis held a senior staff position at the Council on Foreign Relations. Mr. DeLaurentis is a graduate of the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service and Columbia University Graduate School of International and Public Affairs.
Jeanine E. Jackson, Nominee for Ambassador to the Republic of Malawi, Department of State
Jeanine E. Jackson is a career member of the Senior Foreign Service and currently serves as the Minister Counselor for Management at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. Prior to this role, Ms. Jackson served as U.S. Ambassador to Burkina Faso. Since joining the U.S. Foreign Service in 1985, her other overseas assignments included Management Counselor at Embassy Kabul; Supervisory General Services Officer at Embassy Nairobi; Personnel Officer at the U.S. Consulate in Hong Kong; Chief of the Consular Section at the U.S. Consulate in Jeddah; General Services Officer at Embassy Lagos; and Vice Consul at the U.S. Consulate in Zurich. During Washington assignments, she served in the Bureaus of African, European and Near East Asian Affairs. Ms. Jackson holds the rank of Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve. She earned a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Florida Institute of Technology and a Bachelor’s Degree in Art Education from Hastings College.
William H. Moser, Nominee for Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova, Department of State
William H. Moser is a career member of the Senior Foreign Service and currently serves as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Logistics Management at the U.S. Department of State. Since joining the U.S. Foreign Service in 1984, Mr. Moser’s domestic and overseas assignments have included: Director of Global Support Services and Innovation; Management Counselor at Embassy Kiev; Post Management Officer in the Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs; Energy Attaché/Economic Officer and Management Officer at Embassy Almaty; Political Military Officer in the Office of Regional Support and Security Assistance; Administrative Officer at Embassy Paramaribo; Disbursing/Financial Management Officer at Embassy Cairo; Consular Officer and Staff Assistant at Embassy Bonn; and General Services Officer at Embassy Bamako. Mr. Moser received a B.A. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Tags: Barack Obama, Office of the Press Secretary, Statements and Releases, The President, United States, Whitehouse