Arkansas Election Results Declared

By Ritika Bhuwalka, Gaea News Network
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

ARKANSAS ( The Arkansas Election results, that is, the results of the primary elections that took place yesterday, May 18, were declared at about 9 in the night, about half an hour after the polls closed for the day. The results of the Arkansas primary elections were more or less expected, although it so turned out that it resulted in quite a few run offs that have been scheduled to take place later. One such was the run off between Senator Blanche Lincoln and Governor Bill Halter. Senator Blanche Lincoln, who had been pitted against Governor Bill Halter and a businessman from Little Rock, D.C Morrison, was not able to secure an outright majority, and thus will be facing the Governor yet again on June 8, for a face off.

However, it is not very surprising that the Senator was not able to win a majority against the Governor, considering that she had been an incumbent, and, if the present trait of the country is anything to go by, then the United States is not feeling particularly favorable toward the incumbents. Moreover, as per the reports provided by the analysts, it is highly possible that the Arkansas election results would be reflecting, in all probability, the general trend in the country right now.

Moreover, the Arkansas election results reflect the same old mistrust that the country has been showing toward the Democrats, with the Republican winning nominations with a comfortable majority in most of the cases. John Boozman, the Republican candidate, won an easy nomination in the Senate by a comfortable majority of almost 50%.


May 19, 2010: 11:23 am

To the best of my knowledge Bill Halter has never been Arkansas Governor! You are displaying a picture of Governor Huckabee not Bill Halter!

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