love2blog Thanksgiving thanks to all.thanks for watchin this
csubasi ASI would like to encourage those attending the Thanksgiving Feast to bring a canned food item to donate tomorrow....
ellysaysopa Still drawing a blank over Thanksgiving apps. Any ideas?
Pixieh00 Looking forward to next week...our trip to TN for thanksgiving may help.
Only1Garrett Provide turkeys for the hungry this Thanksgiving + win a Flip cam! Follow @waze & RT!
AubreyEtchison I want to go shopping, I want to get my hair done, I want a good man, and I want it to be thanksgiving break.Is that too much to ask for? ;)
Mommybear37 RT: Feng Shui Tips For Thanksgiving
DK_NEWnIMPROVED weird day... field trip tomorrow, but i just found out this morning. and thanksgiving break starts next week, i didn't know that either.
kfallsgirl why the hell do i get a toothache a week before thanksgiving? ugh.. hope it goes away before then
eedesign Very happy my Thanksgiving Card designs came out looking this good! Especially the guitar card. (my own guitar)
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allvegas vegascom: Sure, sure, it's nearly Thanksgiving, but we're look ahead to New Year's! What Vegas performer would you like to see New Year's tips from
tomartomartini Thanksgiving tips: Ten ways to make things easier - The Star-Ledger -
john1035 RT @Surrender40: We r eating Thanksgiving WITH the homeless, we are $250 short of goal, PLZ read Pray 4 us & RT
john1035 John RT @Surrender40: We r eating Thanksgiving WITH the homeless, we are $250 short of goal, PLZ read Pray 4 us & RT.
mikichan2050 terryh: @drmom Congrats, just in time for Thanksgiving.
ramz Giants owner complains to NFL about playing on Thanksgiving