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Political Fundraising

  • black_santa8785 BlueSwarm launches fundraising app: ... social networking with political fundraising will announce Monday a new Fa... https://bit.ly/dwReKx
  • Alyssafarah Just got out of a fantastic political fundraising seminar hosted by the college republicans. I'm so motivated to go raise money!!
  • EugeneMirman It's a political fundraising term used by jerks. RT @Randazzoj @EugeneMirman What does it mean? https://twitpic.com/1bb649
  • nmcteam Just launched a new site for a political fundraising company. Came together really well! - https://www.bulldogfinancegroup.com/
  • newmediaclay Just launched a new site for a political fundraising company. Came together really well! - https://www.bulldogfinancegroup.com/
  • Tekneek What is "political fundraising" and is it substantially different than regular old "fundraising" itself?
  • KemptownBen New blog post: as political fundraising gets murkier, election campaigning gets cheaper https://tiny.cc/j2ovb
  • markpack Online political fundraising YouFund.me.uk https://bit.ly/9rC0ko < Interesting new attempt to make online fundraising work in UK
  • moxie_b POLITICAL FUNDRAISING...oh whats that? *ermm* i raise $ for politicians...duh!!! I'm already trying to open the door....
  • AndreWells is back from BizBash's Inaugural Eye Opener Breakfast. Topic-The New Realities of Political Fundraising Events.... https://bit.ly/9m1mLM
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