ILCP Are you at COP15? visit the Center for Oceans Solutions booth at COP15: Stanford Exhibit -H-037 ABuilding-Bella...
HotInHur New climate change signal: oceans turning acidic
IUCN General Assembly Commits to Strengthened Framework for Oceans ttp://
KapiitanKween I made the S.S> Phaile it sails teh oceans and ish the Phriend - ship ship!
Raffifs remote-controlled mini helicopters? hydrodynamic underwater cameras? Oceans for Pathi will be the best nature doc EVER
janleymd We touched...not thru our bodies or our lips but thru the depths of oceans in our eyes. #janley #quote
aKookyFish AP_ClimatePool
@aseachange -> "We may face broad species collapse which weakens #oceans as an ecosystem". changes but not q.e.d. weakens.
TransformersMIA Please join Transformers Custom Auto, The Sean Taylor Foundation, tomorrow December 9th at Oceans 10 on South Beach
o_dobenus 'Slipping through the nets of silence/Under polar icecaps miles down/You leave your echoes in the water/One white whale in all these oceans'
planetsresource Survival Of The Fittest - Forbes: From the earth's poles to the tropics, from the oceans to the planet's most ferti...
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danielmietchen Plastic within the biospher at Resilience Science
danielmietchen Plastic within the biosphere
piotrcuzon Oc�ans t�moins du changement climatique
fiercekitty i've decided to do a #bluesky series of #kkphotooftheday for all of #cop15. blue skies, blue oceans, a blue planet is worth fighting for.
davemurr Coca-Cola is destroying our oceans
sladepub Nasa HD: Oceans of Climate Change (720p)
jasondpg Oceans - Movie Preview -
divinglist RT @WiLDCOAST925: RT @ThankYouOcean - Oceans Day in Copenhagen December 14, 2009, 9:00 A.M.-10:00 P.M. https://bit.l...