Scottish study: Smoking bans help curb number of children hospitalized for asthma
Smoking bans help curb kids’ severe asthma attacks Fear over China’s plan to vaccinate millions for measles highlights growing public distrust
China mass measles vaccination plan sparks outcry NYPD suspends officer accused of refusing to help 11-year-old girl dying of asthma attack
NYPD suspends cop accused of not aiding dying girl In South Africa, doctors and activists worry about impact of strike on AIDS patients
AIDS patients hurt by South African strike Gates-linked vaccine group supports likely WHO resolution to fight pneumonia in poorer nations
Vaccine body supports WHO action on pneumonia Bigger hospitals do better job at treating heart problems, pneumonia, study suggests
Bigger hospitals may treat some conditions better Correction: WHO drug-resistant TB story
Correction: WHO drug-resistant TB story LONDON — In a March 18 story about drug-resistant tuberculosis, The Associated Press reported erroneously that there were no U.S. cases in 2008 of extensively drug-resistant TB. There were four cases in 2008 and no cases in 2009, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. |