Rowdy protesters block gates of California campuses amid funding rallies across nation

Rowdy protesters block campuses amid funding rally

8 arrested after protesters smash windows, lights at UC Berkeley chancellor’s home

Protesters damage Calif. university leader’s home

UC Berkeley police arrest dozens of students holding budget cut protest in building

UC Berkeley students arrested in campus protest

Berkeley sends hangers to Democrats who voted to limit abortion access in health care bill

Berkeley council sends hangers as abortion message

UC students protest 32 percent fee hike by occupying campus buildings in Berkeley, Santa Cruz

UC students occupy buildings to protest fee hike

Latest Tweets


  • katewarren #March4 Hey, Berkeley POlice, that's Oakland. You got no jurisdiction.
  • bradpiercephd The Berkeley view of cloud computing:
  • TweetTeaParty Higher Tuition and Two Subway Sandwich Shops!? Berkeley Students Declare War #teaparty #news
  • aviwarner I uploaded a YouTube video -- Protest outside my office - UC Berkeley Protest
  • JoParkerCaterer I am sponsoring a fence at the Berkeley Hunt Team Chase on 21st March... Courses for Horses? Parker's Pop? Catering at a Canter?
  • northoaklandnow Video of the #march4 morning protests at UC Berkeley
  • froghollowcsa CSA boxes are ready for pick up at @SolanoCellars, in North Berkeley, and at the Berkeley Farmers Market (Shattuck & Rose, 2p-7p)
  • airphillips Morning #march4 protests at UC Berkeley:
  • berkeleyside New post: Where in Berkeley?
  • wolfwithdances Oh right. Another protest in Berkeley, at Bancroft and Telegraph. Forgot about that. Right. Fight the power, and such. #march4

Latest Friend Feeds


  • polymath22 RT @dailycal: No arrests or reports of property damage in Berkeley, according to BPD.
  • surajpatel11 I'm at Gaia Apartments (2116 Allston Way, Shattuck, Berkeley).
  • siah Free lunch for a boring optimization seminar man, those bastards always know how to get me ( via @polybot
  • devadvocate Berkeley students protest rate hikes:
  • mnlakeplace Lava R.'s Review of Naan N Curry - Berkeley (4/5) on Yelp
  • mnlakeplace Bill B.'s Review of Stonemountain and Daughter - Berkeley (3/5) on Yelp
  • lavika ABC Live Video March from UC Berkeley to Oakland City Hall: #March4
  • karimali RT: @alzaid: a scientific experiment uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
  • ebookreleases new kindle book: A Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision - by George Berkeley.
  • natalielin RT @HeyJude408 RT @californiabeat RT @dailycal UC BERKELEYMarch down Telegraph spans 7 city blocks
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